
By anon - 14/04/2015 00:51 - United States

Today, I learned that my girlfriend is not a screamer nor a moaner, she's a biter. My arm is getting stitches right now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 505
You deserved it 3 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments


At least you didn't find this out orally.

take that as a compliment. if you need stitches then you must have done something right to please her that my much.

Biting can be fun just not when it ends In a hospital visit!

candygirl2015 12

I'm a biter too but I'm not thát aggressive..

tchopper1969 16

sounds like from here on out ya might wanna keep her in the doggy style position

biters are scratchers are much better than moaners and screamers

I personally like being bitten, enough to bruise but not to break the skin, that's when it gets a little weird.