On the run

By Allen - 05/01/2010 06:40 - France

Today, I was in a hurry to catch a plane. I got halfway to the airport when I realized I'd forgotten my phone. I drove back to the house and searched for it. I finally gave up and returned to the airport, only to find that I was 10 minutes late for my plane. Just then, my pocket vibrated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 922
You deserved it 40 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you never check your pockets when you can't find something? YDI


maddy23a 5

I do that ..... all the time!

This doesn't have to be fake, lol. I've looked everywhere for something that was in my hand before. If you knew how brain processes worked, you'd understand why it happens on occasion.

eriinbaby 0

same thing happens to pretty much every day (:

Thats all your fault. I'm the scatter-brained type, too, and a lack of organization has made me late for important things in the past. Use this situation as motivation to get your shit together. Avoid the unnecessary stress by giving yourself 5 minutes to double check that you have everything you need and you know where it is before leaving.