Off the top of my head…

By helplesslover - 04/10/2009 06:13 - United States

Today, my boyfriend called and said he was stopping by to talk. I didn't understand why he would stop by, so I asked if he was going to break up with me, he said no. Half an hour later, he knocked on my door to break up with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 130
You deserved it 5 751

Same thing different taste

Top comments

'knock knock', 'whose there?' 'I dumped' 'I dumped who?' 'I dumped you lol'

I had a very similar thing happen to me. A few years ago, my girlfriend messaged me and told me that we had to talk. I replied and said that if she was breaking up with me, she may as well just do it and get it over with. She denied it, and said it was about something else. 6 hours later after work, after many different possibilities floated through my head, I went over to her house and got dumped.


Erindub 0

Dude he did the right thing. I didn't know my boyfriend of 4 years wanted to break up till he called my mom and asked her to do it. THATS an FML

You actually ASKED if he was going to break up with you? Wow, I'd dump your ass so fast if my chick was that insecure. Nobody needs an emotional pissy whiny girl around.

oy jmoose, chill out m8 =( alot of people are insecure about themselves, ok? not everyone's self esteem is a friggin skyscraper, m8...

If you can't fathom why your boyfriend would stop by you deserve to be dumped.

There might have been something in his voice that suggested something was wrong, doesn't necessarily mean she's paranoid...

at least it was face2face, rather than a phone conversation or text. he has the balls! lol

Be grateful he did it to your face. Don't complain when someone breaks up with you the right way.

Cookiegirl222 0

Well at least he dumped you in person