Not now, mate

By yuen - 16/06/2009 14:59 - Australia

Today, I went to take a shit and found my boss shaving in the toilet. While in the cubicle, he asked me about my work and the conversation lasted 15 minutes. I stayed in there even though I'd finished shitting after 5 minutes, during which 3 people heard my progress report while shitting next to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 597
You deserved it 4 737

Same thing different taste

Top comments

uh why didn't you get out of the cubicle once you were done? you could have continued the conversation anyway i don't get it


catandthehatxo 0

what was ur boss shaving????

This has happend to me ITS SO AWKWARD!!!! Its the worst at the urinal while your trying to piss and the big boss is pissing next to you and having a convo!!!

misterman2 3

does your work have a caf?? What do they feed you guys?? 3 other people had to shit at the same time?? LOL

CyclonePsycho 1

Whew, I thought I was the only one. What did the OP just say? All I got was the fact that he was... ********... and his boss was... shaving... I'm confused. EDIT: Sorry for the triple post. D:

I think that those of you who are saying you don't understand are not taking into account the fact the OP is Australian. Replace "toilet" with "restroom" and "cubicle" with "stall" and see if it makes more sense.

I think its a good thing, he cared a bit bout you. -. -

i cant believe this was posted over my fml...haha

You should of just told him well talk about this once you're done.

heavenandhell 0

you saw your boss while he was shaving in the toilet... who shaves in the toilet ?! who see other pople using the toilet?! all i got to say is wow

teebonehead 0

AND YOUR POINT IS ? Wipe your ass and move on !