Not a geography major

By Anonymous - 16/02/2010 05:15 - United States

Today, I had an interview for a college. The college is in Rhode Island. I live on the West coast. When I asked the interviewer if they got to the mainland by boat or by some other form of transportation, he told me Rhode Island is not an island. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 691
You deserved it 65 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm guessing you didn't get in? haha, I'm in Australia and I know that!


go_rangers 0

Well, on the bright side, they'll tell your story during every campus tour for at least the next four years! I gave tours during my undergrad years... we talked about dumb questions people had asked us. Heh. But seriously. I grew up on Long Island, which is *GASP* an island!!, and we didn't have to use boats to leave. Ever heard of bridges?

well now that is has been posted here I am sure a few more schools will mention this story :p

Don't feel bad. I'm from Rhode Island, and when I tell people where I'm from, they either ask if it is an actual island, or "Do you mean Long Island?", as in New York. We Rhode Islanders are used to it.

jikanganai 0

Yikes. Should have tried to play it off as a joke, OP. On another note, thanks heaps for mentioning you're from the West Coast... now we're all getting judged.

How the **** did you even get into high school? : If I was the interviewer, I would have bitch slapped you.

tb15 0

a lot of Americans are very ignorant like Until I was 16 I didn't know we had a president named Zachary Taylor

Own a map? I mean seriously this can't be real!

FattyFatFatFat 0

As a Rhode Islander, this is the explanation I've always heard: The full, official name of Rhode Island is "the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations." Interestingly enough, this is the longest state name in the US, even though Rhode Island is the smallest state. The "Rhode Island" part of Rhode Island IS an island; it's in the southern part. The rest of Rhode Island is considered "Providence Plantations"; this is the mainland that includes Providence, Rhode Island's capital. "Rhode Island" is just easier to say, though perhaps more confusing at first. I hope that this clears some confusion.

xlilmickiix 0

wow. I live in Rhode Island. i've never been so insulted. but not gonna lie, we get that a lot.