
By Anonymous - 27/03/2015 20:28 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I found my dad's porn stash on his laptop. I went through it for a laugh to see what kind of sick, twisted shit he's into. Mostly nude pictures of my mum, as it turns out. I can't wipe the afterimage from my mind. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 928
You deserved it 43 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments


boydope420 8

Correct me if I am wrong, but in order for you to know that it was mostly picture of ur mom, you had to have looked at more than one. You should have ran for the hills at the sight of the first picture

ObsidianMoon17 12

Call the men in black to use that flashy pen on you mate, that cannot be un-seen

iAmDictionary 13

Kind of sweet that your dad only has eyes for your mum though

Never mess with another man's **** stash.

NineeCat 32

I think it's beyond awesome that your dad's stash consists of your mom's naked pictures! Go dad!