
By wow babe - 19/11/2012 17:46 - United States - Arnold

Today, my boyfriend went down on me for the first time. He definitely killed the mood when, while down there, he started saying, "Nomnomnomnom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 074
You deserved it 5 616

Same thing different taste


whatever! be glad he went to visit your stank crotch in the first place. you want to know a real turn off? try a knee to the balls!

Why is it women seemingly never have a sense of humor in bed? Lighten up. It's not like he reminded you of your dead kitten, unless a dog killed it while sounding like "nomnomnom."

At least it's showing that he's enjoying it. Besides, it is delicious. Lol

Just imagined my lover doing that. I smiled because the idea is cute. Maybe he was doing something else wrong? If someone was doing that to me who wasn't very good at it, I wouldn't be in the mood for stuff like that.

Rotflmao that's hilarious... Lol sorry op on the mood kill, but funny as hell.

how is that an fml? have some humour OP, it doesn't always have to be dead serious during sex, does it? i think it always quite lightens the mood, and it is pretty funny