Ninjas are everywhere

By Nancy - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I came home and noticed that sometime while I was at school, someone had cut off half of my ponytail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 594
You deserved it 4 584

Top comments

I find it funnier that no one else noticed or said something...friends much?

hahaha find out who that was and have retribution!


pfunk129 1

you're either stupid or a dumbfuck. take your pick.

what the heck, yu would notice while they were doing it. they wud hav to have a pretty nic grip on yur hair to get half it off

What did you do that merits such a revenge?I cannot imagibe someone evil enough to do that without a reason. Also, didn't you feel someone cutting it? Still sucks though!

aaron66044 0

haha idk how u didnt notice everyone laughing @ you in the halls?? haha and ur friends are Garb. bcz they prolly saw it and jus didnt say anything

karebear16 0

this is so hilarious i actually laughed out loud

we did that to someone at a lights out party. its was freakn hilarious!

oh I'm sorry :( Im not wearing a pony tail again any time soon

you should be concerned, they are doing 1 of 2 things stiffing it and doing somthing dirty or useing to clone you... or BOTH! O.O

lrv2003 0

she could have possibly been sitting at a desk and someone sitting behind her in another desk then slowly chopped her off...