News to me

By madaskueuchiha - 08/08/2009 03:57 - United States

Today, I got a call from my parents' divorce lawyer. When I answered the phone, she thought I was my mother and told me the details about my parent's divorce. I'm a 13-year-old boy who sounds like a woman and just learned that my parents are separating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 490
You deserved it 3 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HumansSuck 0

Congratulations, you're a thirteen year old boy on the internet and you're using correct grammar. Your life isn't ******; you still have a future.

junjouromantica 0

That sucks, but your voice ought to deepen eventually.


chynesko67 0

My parents are getting divorced and im 13. I have sympathy for you my friend, i supposedly sound like each one of my sisters. and when one of their boyfriends call i have to hear some dirty things:|

My parents got divorced when I was about 5. I'm 15 now, and everything has always worked out well. Depending on how bad the divorce goes, your parents may still be able to talk to eachother, and will actually be able to stand being in the same room as eachother, unlike some divorces go. As for your voice, I'm going into grade 10 and know kids in my grade, who, over the phone could be mistaken for a 7-8 year old. I don't know about sounding like a women though.

xmagicgirlxx 0

fake. no 13 year old has spelling grammar or a vocabulary like that.

Which 13 year old doesn't know all of these words? Honestly, they're easy. Just because you weren't quite as educated at that age doesn't mean everyone else isn't, either.

Id feel sorry for you if this 1) wasnt fake, 2) wasnt posted by someone who has a naruto username...

BellaBabexX 0

its called puberty hun get use to it

im 13 my parents have been divorced for 10 years so trust me its going to be fine also dont feel bad bout the voice thing once i was singing and my voice cracked and went higher x] and a choir of 60 girls stared at me and they call me a boy trust me its not so bad.

"a 13-year-old boy who sounds like a woman " That's redundant. Otherwise yeah, it must suck. My parents divorced when I was ten. Wasn't nice.

oX_infamy_Xo 0

i know how it feels. i sounded like a girl a couple yrs ago. and my parents divorced. now its on to helping my mom with her drug adiction and figuring out who i can live with besides my own parents.

Almost all 13 year old boys sound like women on the phone. Don't worry about that bit.

haha i bet most people on FML are 13... and the OP sounds exactly like me