Never ever

By notgettinsome - 10/11/2013 06:15 - Australia

Today, my mother was scolding my youngest sister for having unprotected sex with yet another partner. She continued with, "Why can't you be like your brother and just never have sex?" I'm 22, and she's not wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 266
You deserved it 5 229

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you're a good example to an irresponsible younger sister.

I think the real question here is how did your mother find out that your sister had unprotected sex?


Wowxoxo 17

Take your time and find someone special :)

littlexlune 16

She probably didn't mean it in a bad way. She's just frustrated with your sister. I think it's cool that you're still a virgin! People lose it so early nowadays.

AntiPrude 26

Oh yeah, its so 'hip' and 'rad'! Its 'the sick'

42 Anti Prude.... Are you also anti a good hair cut? A walking talking stereotype douche. He's roid raging against people who don't want to sleep everyone they meet. I'm sure you're pro date rape.

Absolutely, 18. His mother seems to just be making an example for her daughter, and proud that he didn't turn out to be a man-***** or a player. In fact OP, for a guy to be a virgin at 22 is... sweet, for lack of a better word. I don't personally know how it feels to be someone's first, but I bet it feels amazing and you will make some lucky woman very happy one day.

AntiPrude 26

@84 Yeah! And there'll be rainbows and chocolate rivers and children with gumdrop smiles, 'nd shit..

Please dont tell me your sister is like 12

Time to step up your game. In fact read the book The Game.

instead of being jealous go out there and get some

raininginseattle 9

Stop beating yourself up. Women can have sex anytime they want to. Men can have sex anytime... she wants to.

perdix 29

Well, get out there and get some. Yeah, it can be hard ;), but you've got to handle the rejection, because the pay-off is just that good. The easy solution is alcohol: it makes you braver and girls prettier, and it makes everyone's judgment worse. The shame of an IFAP award is less intense than the shame of involuntary celibacy.

There's nothing wrong with you for being a virgin. It'll happen. :)

Your mother is going about it the wrong way. She should teach her daughter about the risks of having unprotected sex rather than hoping for abstinence. Clearly that boat has sailed a while ago with your sister. And don't worry about being a virgin OP, there is no rule behind that.

Dude, you have an Australian accent. Word of advice? Vacation in America. Go to bars. Problem solved.