Neighborhood watch

By ClothMom - 08/12/2009 07:02 - United States

Today, I was visited by Child Protective Services. It seems someone on my street reported me for neglect because I cloth diaper my children. I moved in less than 6 months ago, so I guess this is how they say, "Welcome to the neighborhood!" about these parts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 243
You deserved it 3 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you should rethink where you moved if they don't understand what a cloth diaper is...

As long as you change them as soon as they are wet or soiled, Cloth diapers are so much better for them then wrapping their little butts in plastic. Just keep doing what you are doing and hopefully your neighbors will get their own life one day.


kjoy1148 0

What the hell.....why would they do that? Jerks. Keep doing what your doing, obviously your a great parent since you know enough to know how good cloth diapers are for your child.

medinahabiba 0

 that sucks. my old neightbors called cps on my mom and my sisters like three times a week and most of the time they showed up. they got calls from my 4 feet 11inch mom with a broken arm beat the shit out of me 5feet7inch and my sister 5feet4 inch and dragged us up a hill by our hair we showed them we could take down our mom just by lightly touching her arm and they left. a week later same cps person shows up saying me and my sisters were bagging for food even after showing them we had about 3 months worth of food in the house they ask our ages 17,16,12 at the time they said the report was for 5-10 year olds and let it go. they came back three weeks later saying my mom broke my arm so bad that it just hung there with my skateboard. the truth was I had a hair line fracher because I fell off my skateboard I don't trust cps they are dumb they even tryed saying my mom beat the shit out of my dad three months after he died of cancer once again even if my dad was alive he was 6"3 he could have stopped my mom if she ever came after him. I've had a long and bad history with fake reports and dumb cps people I don't trust them and the last time I saw them ex boyfriend called cps on me saying I was beating our son when I wasn't he has autism in which he can't talk and has fits that spud like he is being hit there was not a mark on him and I had all the papers saying all the screams and stuff were from his autism they still took him and put him in foster care and the foster perants beat him to the point he passed out because they didn't understand autism at the time my son was 2 thank god I got him back that day it happened and left alone and cps but his autism in their files so they wouldn't have to come out again as long as I send them all medical records.  those foster perants are in jail thank god to that too

As a child, I used to be abused, yet my father would make pre-cautions so I didn't say or do anything that caused suspicion. He used to make outrageous excuses as to why I got beat up. As I grew up, I realised what my dad did was wrong and it wasn't normal to be slapped around and told you're useless. I wrote a blog journal daily about my abuse and took pictures of a scar he gave me on both thighs with a metal pole. Little did he know, when he slammed that metal pole into my stomach, I was 2 months pregnant. At 16, he caused my very first miscarriage. My boyfriend and I were going to keep the baby, even if it was a mistake. I couldn't deal with the pain of losing my baby after and commited suicide after one night of torture. My friend saw the post and immediately told my teacher. She took me out of a lesson the following day and asked me all sorts of questions. I was quite close to the teacher, and still am, and she shared some of her abuse as a child. We then went to meet with my school's guidance counsellor, deputy head and a Learning Mentor *Basically, like school therapists* They asked me questions and had a printout of my blog journal. They highlighted the points of abuse and said they reported my case to Child Services and that I'd get a Learning Mentor and have someone to talk to. A year later, none of this happened and I attempted suicide again after another slap-around. After that day, I decided, if no one was going to help me, I'd help myself. So I stood up for myself, began carrying a heavy-duty flashlight and lighters around me when I was at home. Everytime my dad decided to let out his anger on me, I'd turn on him, smash the flashlight on his head and threaten to burn him. My mother doesn't understand where all my anger comes from and I don't understand why she stays with that prick. The moral of my story is, never trust anyone but yourself. Defend yourself. Care for yourself. I know it sounds like a loner-ish thing to do, but no one else will care unless you start kicking ass for YOUR rights.

This is completely fake. If your going to make up a story at least get your facts right. In your story you committed suicide at the end of the second paragraph. And that's a terrible moral of a story, "Never trust anyone but yourself." Good luck being alone for the rest of your life. Oh and one more thing, I highly doubt that after smashing a heavy duty flashlight on your dad's head he would just leave you alone, I'm sure he would have beat you senseless after that.

"In your story you committed suicide at the end of the second paragraph." Well ... maybe she got better. :P

Oh yeah, I forgot you can recover from a bad case of DEAD.

Um, I have a feeling she meant to say ATTEMPTED suicide. Stop flipping out, people. God, you're judgemental.

She actually said that was her journal entry. Sometimes when u r extremely emotional, you put things in present tense, instead of futre

Take heart that you are doing nothing wrong.

Vagitables 0

Nah mayne you need to smack a bitch cause thats environmentally conscious.

Whatever the pros and cons of cloth nappies (as we call diapers) in comparison with disposables, they are a perfectly safe and reasonable method of caring for your babies and generations of us have been brought up with them in perfect health and safety. The only issue would be if you didn't change them regularly, but then that applies to disposables too. The idea that they need to investigate you for that is utter, utter, madness. FYL

Oh God. I can't believe that those child protection agency things can be so stupid and oblivious! It seems like in every country the child care places are pathetic! I mean here in England we had that Baby P case, my God, how can people turn such a blind eye to this stuff! It's despicable!

Holy crap, do people have nothing to do nowadays?? I had to have cloth diapers to avoid getting rashes from Pampers when I was a baby...Sorry to say that you have idiots for neighbours OP! FYL indeed!

The_9th_Doctor 18

some nice neighbors you got there