Neighborhood watch

By ClothMom - 08/12/2009 07:02 - United States

Today, I was visited by Child Protective Services. It seems someone on my street reported me for neglect because I cloth diaper my children. I moved in less than 6 months ago, so I guess this is how they say, "Welcome to the neighborhood!" about these parts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 243
You deserved it 3 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you should rethink where you moved if they don't understand what a cloth diaper is...

As long as you change them as soon as they are wet or soiled, Cloth diapers are so much better for them then wrapping their little butts in plastic. Just keep doing what you are doing and hopefully your neighbors will get their own life one day.


"Judge, I called CPS, cuz her leaves her all up in my lawn. Yes, I know I'm a vile, evil person, but her leaves were all up in my lawn...." 2000 internets if someone catches that reference. :D

Mad TV...Yvoone Criddle on the People's Court. :p

Figure out who the nosey neighbor is and leave them a flaming bag of poo on their doorstep.

wow, and we wonder why CPS is so overwhelmed with cases. Plus, cloth diapers are better for the environment, I know you need to use water and detergent to wash them but it's better than dumping disposable diapers into a landfill.

Cloth diapers are fancy these days...FYL and FYN. Maybe a win for the CPS agents though. A lull in the endless parade of human misery (I've known CPS folks before).

skyeyez9 24

how are cloth diapers a reason to be reported to CPS?

HAH! It's Hawaii, go figure. There's nothing to do there besides the occasional backyard marijuana industry, so people get bored and start calling the cops or CPS on each other. Two of my good friends live in Hawaii...they said that whenever someone on their street gets an itch for revenge on their neighbors, they drag the local police out to investigate "suspicious noises that may indicate domestic violence" that are almost always the wild roosters and cats that populate a good portion of the islands. Hell, ladies and gentlemen, is in paradise.

Mad TV FTW, #40. YDI = "you deserve it" #51.

alwaysalady 0

If I could use cloth diapers, I would. YOu have moved into a village of idiots.

CPS did help my former friend's baby. After being friends with this girl for almost 4 years, she went on this horrible downward spiral, abusing drugs and alcohol and in the middle got pregnant. She continued to smoke and drink throughout the pregnancy. When the baby was born, she weened him after a month so she could go back to drinking. She left the baby alone while she was at work, wouldn't check on him when she got home and started dealing drugs from her house. It took 3 calls to CPS (her "best friend" and ex-boyfriend made the calls), but the child was taken away and went to live with his grandparents and the mother was sent to rehab. I doubt she'll ever be a 'good' mother, but the kid has a better chance now.