Mean Girls

By 1nfected - 26/08/2009 17:07 - Canada

Today, when I arrived at work, I was greeted by my gorgeous coworker telling me my red shirt looked awesome on me. Before I could compliment her, she added that the color was fitting perfectly with my acne. I heard a couple of giggles around me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 391
You deserved it 3 633

Same thing different taste

Top comments

doubleAbattery 0

What a bitch. You should have said you picked it out with her genital warts in mind.


this isn't an fml.. im sorry, but if you are that upset by someone making fun of you, you need to grow up and get over middle school drama :/

letitbe56 0

You're barely out of middle school yourself. I'll save you a few years of trial and error learning and just tell you now: the drama never actually ends.

Your only 15 and you're telling people to get over the drama? Seriously?? Guess what, The drama continues after graduation.

actually, i have barely been involved in drama because I tend to stay away from things of such unessential use and in this case, I'm referring to a specific type of drama, middle school drama; where it's just drama over stupid things. As in this case, about how another person thinks about you. Sometime you have to let go and not care what others think about you. I'm not trying to offend OP, but it just seems a bit childish.

You are so mature for your age, i am so proud of a youngster that can talk with such intelligence!! Seriously stop acting like you know what the hell your talking about, cause you obviously don't!

Once again, I'm sorry if I offended anyone, I was just trying to make a point. If we don't see eye-to-eye on the matter, so be it. Fighting about opinions is not worth my time.

LOL Don't you just love kids who use the internet to make themselves feel better?

I'd just like to point out that if I didn't put my birthday on here, I wouldn't be getting all this criticism about my age and most of you would have listened, or even respected, if I may, me more you all have in the previous comments.


Don't worry about all of these people on here. I'm 17, and I know that I'm far more mature than many people in their 20's, 30's, etc., and I know that I was when I was younger, too. Age doesn't make much of a difference in today's society, as I'm sure you understand. :) And by the way, you're completely right--something like this is certainly middle-school type drama. Hopefully, the OP will be mature enough to realize that anyone who says something like that is not "gorgeous" enough to waste his time trying to attract. There will be someone out there who will like him even if he has acne (YES, shallow people, acne hasn't denied every person with it of a dating life), and will hopefully be much nicer! Staying hurt from an incident like this will set him up for low self-confidence that will keep him from finding a good girl sooner, so getting over the "middle school drama" is best for him all around. It's true, drama doesn't stop after graduation...but people who are mature know how to get over little things like this and get on with their life. ;)

Having just recently graduated from that "I'm mature for my age, age doesn't matter," please understand that one day you will realize just how stupid anyone under 21 is by default. (Regardless of how stupid older people can be.) You don't actually know anything, you're just too young (and therefore stupid) to realize it yet. Give it a few years.

you know what's stupid? you, for not really realising that in a few years, you will realise, that you don't know anything right now, cause just cause you "graduated", it doesn't make you experienced, @#34, coming from someone named, lifes_a_game... @#39, don't you hate it when a full grown adult bashes on "children" to make themselves feel experienced and respected to people they will probobly never meet, OVER THE ******* INTERNET

Anyone under 21 is stupid by default? I would love for you to see me and the things I've done and tell me I'm stupid (especially in comparison to a lot of people my age and older). Just because you were the teenager breaking all the rules because of peer pressure doesn't mean everyone was. Technically, everyone over 21 is stupid by default as well if you want to generalize. Every single person, no matter how successful they are, has done something stupid in their career, whether it was passing up something because they were focused on something else or making a mistake that caused issues with whomever they were interacting with. If you're going to generalize, and if everyone under 21 is stupid by default, then everyone over 21 has been stupid by default, therefore making age irrelevant in the argument of maturity.

Unregistered 0

ya I guess deep throating 13 inch's of pure raw **** is pretty impressive not a lot of people can do that eh proudtobeme?

AmbrosiaLK 0

so why are you on here, bitch?

Unregistered 0

lol oh ya good point shouldnt a mature young lady such as yourselves be writing a book on cancer ridden puppies or some mature subject that we are too immature to understand? Seriously FML is the farthest thing from "mature"

letitbe56 0

Connorod- I wasn't trying to insult you for being 15. I'm pretty young myself--though thankfully, well out of high school. I legitimately thought that your take on the situation (that the OP shouldn't be offended by a mocking remark) would have been tempered had you had the opportunity to live a few more years, to see how spiteful and mean some people will always be, and to realize that even if you take it in stride and act mature about it, those kinds of remarks can still hurt. This will be true seventy years from now when you're dealing with the retirement home gossips. Some of them will still be out to cause drama, and no matter how well you deal with it, there will always be some remarks that get under your skin.

Thanks letitbe56. I see where you are coming from now. Sorry if there was any misunderstandings. Also, thanks for explaining, and not just saying that I'm stupid. Lol! Much appreciated.

Maddoctor 10

Wow...I think you people are taking this age thing a little too seriously. The whole point of Connorod's comment was to point out the fact that as a young adult little things like acne jokes should never be worth your time, because they do go on after high school. People are dicks (like a lot of people responding to Connorod's comment), and that's just a fact of life. It won't change, so you shouldn't let snob little comments like that ruin your whole day. Karma will get back to the bitches/dicks in the world. And the fact that there's always an HR department... The fact that his opinion is "invalid" because he's 15 makes no sense if you ask me. Sounds like he's a lot more mature than a lot of other people on this site.

Thanks maddoctor, you got my point exactly. In fact, probably couldn't have put it better. :) Also, we have the same birthday. Sweet!

Maddoctor 10

No problem dude, just trying to defend anti-agism. I hate it when adults - and people in general - stereotype based on race, gender, and especially age. It's one of my hugest pet peeves, plus you have a very valid point, and you're a gemini. =)

I'm not trying to offend you here MAY be mature for your age and you may not participate in the drama - neither did I when I was still in school, or college or now in my job. But the "middle-school-drama" really never ends, whether or not you participate. That's what they meant. And when saying everyone under 21 is "stupid" by default, they were also technically correct, you can't take it literally though. Again, no matter how mature you may act at 15 already, once you're 22 or 23 you will look back to those years and think "Oh my God, what was I THINKING, I knew absolutely nothing back then" and it will ALWAYS be like that. Once I'm 30 I'll look back to being 22 and think the exact same thing. It's a simple fact. I've actually had this exact same discussion on a myspace support forum about two weeks ago...and it's also a fact that most teenages just won't accept the fact that they don't know as much as they think they do, YET. Hell, I was the same way when I was 14/15. You'll grow up(and I don't mean that as in a negative way by saying you're not acting mature yet, just as in getting older) and understand what they meant. I agree though that they shouldn't have used the word "stupid"

damn this conversation should come with its own soundtrack ;D

Unregistered 0

lol ******* crazy budists -.- there is no such thing as karma anybody who believes in it are ******* retarded

Goosie 0

oh yeah, but believing in someone in the sky watching over us and basically controlling our destiny's and his son rising from the dead is logical...yeah...ok....people like you should stop criticizing other people's religion just because you don't believe it or don't understand it. it doesn't make them are you so sure your religion is right? believe what you want and let them believe what they want as long as you're both good people and follow the basic rules: don't kill, don't steal, don't lie, have compassion, have respect. in the end, if you're right good for you sucks for them and vice versa. just be nice.

Maddoctor 10

And thank you for trolling, Unregistered. I'm not buddhist, and the term "karma" is a mainstream way of saying if you're a jerk and treat people badly you will, in tern, get what's coming to you (just in case you didn't get the reference). I wasn't referring to actual karma, which I'm sure you know absolutely nothing about, asshole. Oh, and great use of grammar. Go back to 8th grade.

Bitch! Don't bother, sounds like she has issues! Next time tell her atleast it would clear up soon. Ugly doesn't js go away, she's stuck with it permanently!

If you work near her in the building, you should pop zits/pimples in her direction and see if the pus makes it onto her

D'aww... How come pretty people are so mean to people who have like, one single flaw? Acne goes away. Take folic acid, my older sister did and she said it worked wonders on her acne. (I can't promise anything though, but what've you got to lose?)

YDI for being ******* Canadian....****** gross acne is disgusting

Don't let people get to ya. Hope things get better :)

i would've replied, "oh and i just LOVE your jeans on you. they really hide your penis well."