Make it stop

By CapitolSouthSux - 19/09/2013 12:54 - United States

Today, a street preacher got on my metro car and gave a long, loud speech about how we sinful, polluted congressional staffers must inform our bosses that choosing a homosexual lifestyle was like trading your soul for soup. We got stuck in a tunnel for thirty minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 121
You deserved it 4 028

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sometimes living in the city means you have to drown out all the noise pollution. And that comes out of people's mouths sometimes...

People like that make good Christians look bad


I would've drove a little a hit and braked suddenly

On a bus recently, I encountered a rant I hadn't heard before -- a man actually believing he was god and yelling that we dirty idiot sinners had to turn to him for the answers because he knows it all. The bus ride was over an hour. I feel ya, OP.

Call me crazy or excessive, but these extremists just need to be isolated from society...

You're crazy and excessive. The first amendment unfortunately protects him and makes your plan very unconstitutional.

The fact that people STILL think homosexuality is a choice makes me weep for humanity. 'Scuse me, when did you choose to be straight? It just kinda happened, right? What makes me weep even harder for humanity is the fact that people still think it's okay to use religion as an excuse to be an asshole to people over things they have no control over.

monnanon 13

if they didnt use religion they would use something else. i dont think sexuality is a fixed entity i think everyone is on a scale ranging from will never touch the opposite sex to will never touch the same sex. everyone sits on this line in some respect. as far as i can see it there is no straight or bi or gay just people hooking up with other people. the only reason religions fight for tradtional relationships is so they have more impressionable little children to fees into the machine.

#83, you hit the nail on the head. Every "sin" like homosexuality was created by the religious leaders to give them more power and control over the rest of the populace.

im here to say that from personal experience.its pretty damn good soup

As a metro passenger myself, I feel your pain...

I would have been a smartass and pretended everything he said was a joke just to piss him off

What a bloody idiot, is all I can say.....

castleofg1ass 19

You should have said "at least young males consent to having sex with me" How dare he say that, he's a horrible person

Your not making look yourself smarter by using a stereotype...

BriCx 8

Sounds like one of those Westboro Baptist Church assholes...hell I know someone who is against gay marriage who thinks people in this church need to play in traffic.