Make it stop

By CapitolSouthSux - 19/09/2013 12:54 - United States

Today, a street preacher got on my metro car and gave a long, loud speech about how we sinful, polluted congressional staffers must inform our bosses that choosing a homosexual lifestyle was like trading your soul for soup. We got stuck in a tunnel for thirty minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 121
You deserved it 4 028

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sometimes living in the city means you have to drown out all the noise pollution. And that comes out of people's mouths sometimes...

People like that make good Christians look bad


skyeyez9 24

And then the preacher stepped off the metro and walked into his favorite brothel that uses underage girls for sex.

RedPillSucks 31

Meh.... Having sex with underage girls was part of the biblical landscape back then...

Define underage. You were lucky to live to 30 back then...

skyeyez9 24

If that preacher knew the bible and Jesus, he would have known to keep his mouth shut and finger pointing to himself. There was a story in the bible I do not recall the chapter, but basically a group of people were harassing someone else and pointing out all her faults...etc Jesus told the men to "remove the log from your own eye before attempting to take the speck out of another's" Also, a bunch of men were about to stone a women to death. He stopped the sanctimonious crowd by telling them "Let him who is WITHOUT SIN cast the first stone." They all left dropped their stones. He helped the woman to her feet, told her to sin no more. You see, if people knew the bible they would not twist it around to fit their myopic world view. Where is the "finger pointng and holier than thou attitude" Jesus supposedly had? He spoke to his followers in parables, patience and love. Not anything like this pos preacher.

RedPillSucks 31

Well, Unfortunately, you can know you bible and still use it to further hateful aims. Passages in the bible was used for justification of slavery. And if you look in the Old Testament, rather than focussing on the New Testament, there's all sorts of nasty stuff there. Leviticus literally commands people to kill anyone practicing homosexuality.

skyeyez9 24

I have a feeling this particular fml is going to be closed by the moderators soon. Religious fml's rarely are left alone by them.

skyeyez9 24

Sodom and gomorrah were towns completely destroyed by fire and brimstone by God as punishment. But it wasnt just homosexuality. They were also worshipping false gods, their favorite was "Molech." They made a giant brass and copper statue of molech with his palms open and facing the sky. Inside the statue was hollow and they kept a fire burning. When the statue was searing hot.....they placed infants with their hands and feet tied onto the hands and let them burn alive. They beat drums loudly to drown out the baby's anguished screams. Also, in the story, 2 angels came to the town and the men in the city tried to chase them down. Because they thought they were beautiful and wanted to gang rape them. A man let the angels in human male form take refuge in his home. There was much more going on in that town, homosexuality was one of them but not the sole reason for his decision. I am not hating, just telling you what is in that particular story

TheDrifter 23

#40, fun fact, the wording originally used in leviticus means closer to "if a man should lay with a boy as he would with a woman", a pointed repudiation of the Greek and Persian practice at the time of wealthy men keeping young boys for sex, not a denunciation of homosexuality in general, as the Roman practice of soldiers bedding soldiers was accepted, though not often practiced by early Christians. After the fall of the Roman empire the wording was changed to reflect more current (at the time) social standards.

#40 that is why there is a NEW TESTAMENT!

Quite true and well said. I renounce my comment posted on a later page.

RedPillSucks 31

Chicken soup for the soul. Did the pastor read that book? It's really good. Chicken soup is also really good. Hmmm.... chickeny, soupy goodness.

You can always CHOOSE to partake in gay sex in front of said preacher. But be advised that, depending on where you are, it may run afoul of certain public decency laws.

TheDrifter 23

Let the Christian bashing begi... never mind, I'm way too late for that line.

Obey_StudBoii 23

HOMOSEXUALITY (I HATE THAT WORD) IS NOT A CHOICE! ! I myself as a Lesbian hate the word homosexual. Why cant (people in general) just refer to us as "gay or lesbian"? There is no need for a label. Anyways , how exactly can he compare an individuals lifestyle to soup? That is absolutely stupid and idiotic. How do you even compromise such a comparison.

Wait, wait, wait. Wouldn't 'gay' or 'lesbian' be labels as well? That sounds like an extremely narrow way of seeing people's sexuality, considering not every homosexual person fits into either one of those categories perfectly.

That's pretty ironic... I heard from other homosexual people the total opposite of what you said... They don't want to be labeled as gay or lesbian.

I have to agree with 49. I don't like when people refer to me or my wife as homosexual. I prefer to be called a lesbian and here's why- when people use the word homosexual, 9 times out of 10, they're using it in a negative way. When you hear religious or right wing pundits denigrating LGBT people they always use the terms "homosexuality" "homosexuals" and "homosexual lifestyle". I have no issue with the word being used in a scientific sense but it seems that whenever its used in everyday language, its to dehumanize and condemn the LGBT community.

Obey_StudBoii 23

#63 Thank you. Finally someone who understands. If your not apart of the LGBT Community you wouldn't understand. I simply hate the word "homosexual " because it is at times used in a rude degrading way to criticize the other person. That is all

"Finally someone who understands"? What? I'm part of the "LGBT community" and I don't understand what the hell you're on about. All these words can be used to degrade or be used condescendingly, not just "homosexual". If you think the words "gay" and "lesbian" aren't labels just like "homosexual" then I don't have a damn clue what you're smoking, but it sounds good. So stop speaking on behalf of the LGBT community, my friend.

I hear more gay women complain about the use of the word 'lesbian' than I have ever heard any gay person complain about the use of 'homosexual'. Yes, it's used negatively sometimes, but every defining word is used negatively by those who don't like who the word defines.

monnanon 13

how about no labels are used and no one gives a shit who you are *******.

Having no labels would be great but sadly, humans need to label and catergorize things. It's a psychological fact and it's how we make sense of and organize our world. I see no problem with prefering one label over another since humanity cannot escape this simple fact. But, that's just me.

You are an idiot. Homosexual and homosexuality are the official scientific terms for the the phenomena. gay and lesbian are slang labels. Those labels are also often flung out of hate rather than friendship.

joefrazier 20

I'm a christiian, but I hate when people shove our beliefs down other peoples throats.

Should have given him a nice knuckle sandwich, methinks.

This is why you should always carry duct tape!