Make it so

By MissArizona - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my dad shaved his head. This wouldn't be so bad if he didn't expect me to address him as "Captain Picard" 24/7 now. He won't answer me otherwise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 949
You deserved it 4 113

Top comments

well then you better address him as such.

pinkerbell 8


BelleBelle_fml 11

Captain Picard is Legend, you should be grateful to have him as your father.

perdix 29

Shave your head and make him call you Sinead. Two can play that game! And cut it with that pretentious "24/7" bs. The man sleeps, doesn't he? He doesn't need to be called Capt. Picard all 24 hours of a day.

Noooooothing compares, nothing compares to Picard!

ryanst 7

3:00 AM "SON WAKE UP!!" "What the **** do you want dad?!" "Its Captain Picard, you shit! ..Now go back to sleep, you have school in the morning."

perdix 29

****! I just saw a current picture of Sinead O'Connor. Horrible!!! She's gotten fat and has ugly hair.

Maybe your dad is going through a mid-life crisis thing? Either way, go with it. It's not hurting anyone.

maz_irken 6
BelleBelle_fml 11

My dad isn't quite there yet, however, he does have a permanent Kappa.

Well, I could do the same thing and make people calls me Captain Sisko. :)

call him Captain Kirk, just to mess with him.