Love is…

By Anonymous - 29/07/2012 04:25 - Denmark - Frederiksberg

Today, while getting ready to go to bed, I told my boyfriend that I feel depressed due to the lack of intimacy in our relationship. His response was to roll over, fall asleep, and send a deadly fart my way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 294
You deserved it 3 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can't help thinking that if he's this comfortable with you then you've got something special

viper64 10

Well, looks like you have to fart back, OP. Maybe that's his idea of a turn on?


A7X_LoVeee 10

Try talking to him during the day. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say he was really tired. If he blows it off or isn't interested in what you have to say then it's time to go your separate ways.

CessOMG 3
uncivil 5

Sounds like mine but opposite

I say you should take matters into your own hands

Give him a break. He's probably just winded after a long day.

SemanticX 9

I get almost the same from my partner... Except for the farting...

True love is not have to hold your farts in anymore. You are a lucky girl.

friedbunnies 9

I think that counts as a rather articulate response to your statement.