Lost in translation

By Anonymous - 06/10/2010 08:40 - Vietnam

Today, I'm on holiday in Vietnam, and was wearing a new shirt. In a restaurant, the waitress pointed at my shirt and said something I couldn't understand, so I just smiled and nodded my head. She then gave me a weird look and walked away. Turns out there was a huge spider on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 487
You deserved it 4 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mona_is_here 10

Vacation = American English Holiday = British English


CelticxCutie 0

who WANTS to go to Vietnam on a holiday?

mockingjayfire 0

ya scuse me but I'm Vietnamese and I'm pretty offended by this. why don't you just suck your dick for being an ass about Vietnam

I'm sure whoever you were talking to didn't really think that about Viatnam, he was just a troll. They get entertained by making other people feel sad or angry.

mockingjayfire 0

I'm Vietnamese and to all those out there, Vietnam is beautiful, and we don't eat spiders or dogs. if u want that, go to china.

But when I was in Vietnam dog was on the menu :

i dont think he was making veitnam, he was just sayin where he was at

hand that's why I will never go to Vietnam

lmao i went to vietnam last june and nothing like that happened to me except: i went to a "carnival"/festival and we were there for 4 hrs, in the middle of summer, in the afternoon...i got heat exhaustion and since its a 3rd world country you cant drink nonbottled water the only bottled water that the park had was warm:( fml

ydi for going to another country and not learning the language first.