Looks nice, I guess

By shia - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, I got a super short pixie cut. All my boyfriend could do was stare at me, speechless. I thought he was taken aback by how cute it was, until he told me that I look exactly like my fifteen year-old brother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 182
You deserved it 22 273

Top comments

Whether or not someone looks good with short/long hair is a subjective opinion. Don't try to pass off your opinion as fact.

Sucks that you look like a boy. Or that he looks like a girl.


sourgirl101 28

It's funny how some girls could look so pretty with their hair tied back in a bun but not with a pixie hair cut. It really doesn't suit everyone. Maybe you look good and it just takes your boyfriend some getting use it.

Exactly, it doesn't look good on most women, but the few it does (about 10% of women) it looks amazing. ^Just my opinion, not a fact^

why do chicks think that's hot? it's ugly as hell.

That is your opinion. I think pixie cuts look great.

EvilDave 13

@67 If you think pixie cuts look great, why don't you have one?

I think they are really cute. so do many other people

I love girls with pixie cuts. and I have dated a couple(:

I think that op is leaving out the part about her likeing girls, this was her way of showing her ex-boyfriend

There's nothing wrong with a pixie cut and they often look rather good on a number of people, but this is the sort of risk you should have been aware of /before/ you got the cut. Total YDI.

why the **** would you cut your hair that short? here is a hint: NO guy worth having likes super short hair on a girl

Yeah, your exactly right. Because your every guy on the planet.

Well, well, well. It would appear that the guru of all things people, relationships, and love has exposed itself in the form of Ms. Leftieswillrule right here on FML. Any other words of omni-universal truth that you would like to impart?

if he was really worth having, he wouldnt care what your hair looked like....

Really? Because my boyfriend of 7 months is certainly worth having: intelligent, smoking hot, with a great career and a bright future... and he started dating me when my hair was just under 2 inches long. I thought what makes a guy worth having is how much he appreciates you and how well you get along together, not what his taste in hair was...

If he was worth having, even if he didn't like your hairstyle or new dye job, he wouldn't dump you for it. If he was worth having, he wouldn't judge you over a freakin' hairstyle. If YOU were worth having, you wouldn't be making a blanket statement about all women looking horrible with short hair and all men hating short hair. My boyfriend prefers short(er) hair on a girl... chin to shoulder length, I think. My hair reaches just below my bra band... halfway down my back. Guess what? Just because he prefers shorter hair doesn't mean he automatically hates my long hair. He loves running his hands through it. Some guys are just more tolerant and less shallow than you, I guess.

"My boyfriend this" "My boyfriend that!" "well MY boyfriend...!" Geez Sounds like kindergarten: "my daddy is stronger than your daddy" "well MY daddy has a much nicer car than your daddy" "my daddy says that your mummy is a ****" "oh yeah, then my daddy is gonna beat the hell out of your daddy!"

@172: No, actually, it isn't, seeing as I'm pretty much the definition of a serial monogamist. My shortest relationship was 4 months long and that was in 8th grade. All three of my other relationships lasted about 2 years. Actually, come to think of it, I'm not sure why I put how long we've been together... probably because it's on my mind at the moment because one of my friends just asked me. And anyway, I wasn't trying to boast about how much better my boyfriend is, just pointing out that he's worth having and liked my short hair, thus proving 40's point wrong. edit: I find it amusing that the default female silhouette on FML has short hair.

171- Our respective boyfriends were only mentioned to prove the point that not all men are shallow like the original poster of this thread.

exactly what I was about to say(: I think both long and short hair is beautiful. and I don't give a chiz what a girl looks like. I like girls for their personality(:

I bet you look like Justin bieber. unlucky

Pixie cut is basically the Bieber cut. Unless you are Winona Ryder, you can't expect to look like anything but a little gayboy.

A pixie cut isn't a bieber cut, you moron. There are many different styles of a pixie cut.

Your fault for trying to look like a fantasy character.

I have short hair (not pixiecut-short but between my ears and chin) and I think I look better with short hair than I did with long hair. Not every girl has naturally beautiful hair: mine was very straight and sleek and didn't add anything to my face. I think long hair can be absolutely gorgeous on girls, but I didn't have that kind of hair, and the haircut I have now suits my face a lot better and isn't boring like it used to be. I know lots of guys prefer long hair but it's not like it matters that much, I think. I would date any guy with any kind of disgusting hair of he was sweet and fun to be with. I wouldn't, on the other hand, want to be with a guy who didn't like me purely based on my short hair. OP: keep the haircut if you like it. #55 is right, if he would break up with you because of this, he didn't deserve you and you should look for a less shallow guy.

I agree I would never base my feelings on a haircut

The haircut you describe is much more feminine than what OP has got.

I have the same situation. My hair is naturally fine and although I have a lot of it, it was incredibly drab when it was long. Incidentally this made it the perfect texture for a pixie cut, and it suits my face much better.