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By Anonymous - 29/11/2009 06:31 - United States

Today, my friend accidentally left her Facebook logged onto my computer after she left my house. I looked on her Facebook and found a very long message between her and my other friends talking about how much they hate me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 945
You deserved it 8 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1. Remember what they said 2. Improve the points they hate about you 3. ??? 4. Profit!!

you should have messed with her info page then changed the email address and password so she couldn't get back onto her account next time have fun with it


Here's what you should've done. Send hate mails to all her friends on her account (which are so hardcore to the point none of her friends' would give a **** what she had to say to try and make up for it). The next day she comes crying to you because she has no one else, you win her ass over, good times.

CyclonePsycho 1

Why were you looking through her email to begin with?

XoXo_21 0

no one accidently leaves that kind of information open.. they wanted you to read it.. hope you got the hint.. get new friends.

iluvpandas 0

I love all the "YDI FOR SNUPINGZ". Like half of you WOULDN'T do the same. Sucks OP. I understand why you did, but, like someone said, snooping leads to disappointment AKA truth. Hopefully you don't do something as childish as they did.

What's with everyone yapping about revenge? There is nothing here to avenge. Trying some half-baked revenge scheme will merely reinforce their opinion of you and waste your own time to boot. If those messages showed valid reasons why someone might hate you, the problem's probably on your part. If it looks like something you did, it might be time for a bit of self-improvement. If your friends are just being petty, find new ones. I have seen several instances where a circle of friends had "that guy" who nobody liked but ended up hanging out with anyway. Said person was either obnoxious or just plain stupid.

looks like you are your group's 'karen'. either your friends are just assholes or you are the real bitch. before you find new friend or even bitch them out, figure out what you could have done wrong for them to hate you. because if you bitch at your friends before finding out what you did wrong they are just going to slap everything bad about you in your face. so in the end they would not be the bad guys but you would. so if needed to be, try to be a better person. if you decide to leave your friends for new ones, leave quietly and dont say anything to them. its an easier and less explosive way to end the friendship. me and my friends did something somewhat similar. a friend of our was constantly a bitch, controlling and rude. so we started ignoring her. she didn't talk to us and we didn't talk to her. the end of friendship was official without even a single word said.

C'mon now, if you find your friend left their facebook logged on your computer, the first thing you always do is change their status to something like "it's been too long, i'm coming out. I'm gay.", then move on to the "interested in", the interests and activities, etc. Screw the inbox. YDI

ole_and_lena 0

"Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back. It simply means you are two steps ahead"

I bet it was all a test to see if you'd read stuff on her profile or not.