Just checking

By xrebeccalou - 25/12/2010 04:59 - United States

Today, I went to my long-distance boyfriend's party. His best friend was talking to me and trying to make conversation, he asked, "So, are you two official?" I responded with a definite yes, but was cut off mid-word by my boyfriend, who quickly said, "No, not really." Sorry, I wasn't aware, darling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 608
You deserved it 4 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That really sucks. Be careful with that one...

xFalzz 0

Because cheating on him with his friend will totally make the situation better.


Then do yourself a favour and take the hint, OP.

22cute 17

communication - key to a real relationship. You're doing it wrong.

guys are assholes. they tend to change up & become a dick if they dont see you. -_-

YDI for taking him for granted. NEVER Assume anything, NEVER volunteer information on your much better half without talking to him first. :P This was TOTALLY on you.

At least this means you are free to do whom ever and what ever you want! :)

supahnazi 0

being in a long distance relationship only means that ur hard to look at close distance

Cheat on him with his friend...his friend could be waaay sweeter than your boyfriend