Jesus said go to sleep

By david99021 - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Turkey - Ankara

Today, I told my mom I've been having sleep issues and asked if she could take me to the doctor. She told me I just needed to read the Bible more. Needless to say, I still can't sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 305
You deserved it 2 610

Top comments

Read the bible until you fall asleep from boredom.

Apparently she thinks you need Jesus... Although I don't think he will make you fall asleep


juturnaamo 29

You're going to have that problem with Genesis, Leviticus, and Exodus...they're pretty disturbing. I'd try Numbers, that should knock you out.

Apparently the Bible doesn't teach you how to get rid of sleeping issues. Keep going OP you'll find a way.

allyiscute1 22

Lmao she said you need Jesus bye Felicia(x

Well, maybe if you change something your doing, break your soul ties(bad things you do and you know that are bad) it helped me;)

Delsanity 13

Thats taking religion to a new level haha

bobsanction 18

If you can read the bible and stay awake, you definitely have a medical issue.

How many people commenting that the bible is boring have actually read it?

Depending on the book and version? Finding the interesting stuff isn't easy, if you're not into scholarly reading for fun.

sahmnc420 13

Ask Mother Earth to bring u peace via camomile n melatonin

Well, it is too late now. Run. Run away, real far, real fast.