Jesus said go to sleep

By david99021 - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Turkey - Ankara

Today, I told my mom I've been having sleep issues and asked if she could take me to the doctor. She told me I just needed to read the Bible more. Needless to say, I still can't sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 305
You deserved it 2 610

Top comments

Read the bible until you fall asleep from boredom.

Apparently she thinks you need Jesus... Although I don't think he will make you fall asleep


Clearly you have never read a boring book

bleedingglitter 24

How did she really think it would help with sleep troubles?

Read it from the beginning and imagine the story in your head. its like a really old fantasy novel, so with all the magic and battles going on maybe OP's mom thought that it would place his brain into a dreamlike state. this would result in him falling asleep and dreaming of the last scene he read.

Depending on where he ends up, he might not want to sleep again with that as a dream!

Read it out, super loud, at 3am and then see if she can sleep.

lol her mum will knock her out for doing it... seems like a good idea to get some 'sleep'

there's Christians all across the globe. it's not a united states only ordeal.

RedPillSucks 31

you do realize that Constantinople, where christianity was first organized, is in Turkey

If you are old enough you should just get the insurance info and go to the doctor yourself

buttcramp 21

i dont see why #17 was downvoted.. i thought this was a good idea.

just spend an hour before going to bed doing something that doesn't involve a screen. it will relax your brain and you will fall asleep much quicker and easier

It won't help if OP does actually have insomnia. Trust me, I've had it for years and have tried all the tricks including reading the Bible lol.

Recite the bible very loudly each night and wake everyone with it. At best they relent, at worst you have something to stave off boredom.

I think she might thought you'll get bored of reading it and fall asleep no offense just saying :D

Weird. I've been having trouble sleeping too, so has my boyfriend.

You guys should get each other bibles.

maybe she thought that would put you to sleep?