Jesus said go to sleep

By david99021 - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Turkey - Ankara

Today, I told my mom I've been having sleep issues and asked if she could take me to the doctor. She told me I just needed to read the Bible more. Needless to say, I still can't sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 305
You deserved it 2 610

Top comments

Read the bible until you fall asleep from boredom.

Apparently she thinks you need Jesus... Although I don't think he will make you fall asleep


TheUnum 7

Read the bible maybe it will work

nesteremily 31

I hope your issue gets fixed. I have insomnia and recently diagnosed sleep apnea. I feel your pain, FYL

Nice. You both completely and utterly destroyed my beleifs (sarcasm), AND you made yourself look like an idiot while doing it. Good job :)

hoosiergirl94 31

Take yourself to the doctor

you're cute ;) come here often? marry me Mary?

Really? That'd make me fall asleep within seconds!

Eyalsh 32

i suggest doing exercises at night, then having dinner and a shower. i used to have insomnia and this works wonders.

Although some people are different. This may work for you, but I know that if I work out before bed I'm wide awake. Just gotta find what works best for you individually :)

I'm not religious but your comment was extremely insensitive

10 mgs of melatonin, found in the vitamin aisle.

Though I agree that melatonin works like a charm; a 10 mg tablet might be too big a dose for someone new to taking it. Starting with the 3 or 5 mg tablets is better- you can always pop one more if the first pill doesn't work within 90 minutes.

Is there some sort of helpline/ medical advice line that you can ring? I know it's not as useful as going to the doctor's but you might get some useful advice until you can find someone to take you to one.

It's no more insensitive than a christian telling a non-christian that the bible is 100% fact. I say this as someone who's been on both sides, unless they're particularly unpleasant, there's no need to feel threatened every time someone is frank about their personal beliefs.