
By not getting any anymore - 22/02/2009 03:23 - United States

Today, while I was making out with my boyfriend, he left my dorm suddenly without telling me where he was going. A few hours later, he texted me to tell me that being with me made him feel dirty and he had gone to confession. He then called me a sinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 83 513
You deserved it 7 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

seriously... what else is there to do or say besides laugh and "wtf?"

burdenofaday 0

Gods are man's worst creation.


Ditch that jesus humping looser thats insane and is one reason why religion is simply a primitive concept that many of us need to evolve from

Darlin if you made someone feel like they need to go to confessional either you're amazing or they're an idiot. Either way, you sound fun

Honest_FML 9

Being a sinner is a lot more fun. Leave him.

Dr_Jackal 16