It wasn't me

By psycho ex - 03/05/2013 00:16 - Brazil

Today, my girlfriend dumped me for cheating on her. Her "proof" was an image of me making out with a girl. Pretty damning, except she loaded it up in Photoshop, where I saw the image layers she'd used to fake the whole thing. I'm not sure what the hell she was thinking either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 839
You deserved it 3 961

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MeowZebraMeow 7

Obviously, she was thinking that she wants a new boyfriend.


flybot 5

Things people don't seem to remember about women is the easiest answer isn't always the correct answer. She needed a reason to dump you seems pretty obvious, doesn't it? Well. Could be. But most likely not. Truth is, women will go to extreme lengths to prove that they're right. What most likely happened is she felt that there was something between you and this girl in the photograph and so she created a trap. She showed you to look for signs of guilt. Crazy, yes. Simple, no. Look at the big picture...heh. Get it?

She was just looking for a way out.

yryilmaz 13

Just... I just... What even...

Looks like you just had a lucky escape, if she does shit like this just so she has a reason to dump you, imagine the shit she'd do if you guys got serious? FYL.

"How dare you cheat on me by making out with some random girl through PHOTOSHOP!!!!"

So it was so hard for her to just come out and say it then. Congrats on being rid of her.

Some people are so stupid! Hope everything works out for the better OP.

this site never ceases to amaze me...the amount of crazy in the world these days really doesn't inspire faith in humanity

This is a website dedicated to bad things that happen to people. This is the wrong place to be looking for the best in humanity. :)