It's not you, it's you

By Anonymous - 22/04/2016 20:20 - United States - San Francisco

Today, through a mutual friend, I met the girl of my dreams. After flirting and exchanging numbers with her, my friend confessed that she's liked me since the day we met. Now the girl of my dreams doesn't want to pursue a relationship with me out of respect for our friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 632
You deserved it 1 761

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Honestly, if I were the friend, I wouldn't let myself get in the way of two people wanting to be together.

In a perfect world, you get the perfect girl and the perfect friend. In this world however, it seems you get neither. Life sucks sometimes.


What's sad, is you're the one that hooked us up, knowing it should've been you. What's bad, is that I love her, but I'm falling for two. *Usher*

Be honest. Don't lead the wrong girl on if you know that's not what you want. It may be messy at first but it's better then lying to yourself an her.

Well i think its bullshit.. She likes you but she likes someone else too and for the time being she is keeping u as an option.. Sorry to tell you..

There is nothing to be lost by communicating honestly with both (not together, one on one, face to face) how you feel. The friend might decide to be noble and wish the best for both of you, or the gal you are interested in might decide that this was more important than her friend being selfish. Even if it doesn't work out you will know you tried and were honest and above board.

Your "friend" has done this out of spite as she thinks she will lose both of you

Or, more likely, she didn't expect them to gravitate towards eachother the way they did and wanted to admit her feelings before OP and the girl were dating, to avoid the situation being even worse when she did eventually confess. Because the situation would have been so much messier if she had waited until the 'dream' girl and OP were dating. If they were dating, her confessing would probably have caused enough strain to not only make them break up but probably completely ruin the friendship between OP and their friend, and the friend and the 'dream' girl. As it stands now, sure OP can't date their so called 'dream' girl, but it also means that they aren't jumping headfirst into a pool clouded by the painfully obvious pedestal they have the girl on. Now they can get to know her as a friend, and might find out that the traits they THOUGHT made her their ideal partner actually annoy them, or otherwise find out they are incapable in some other way. It also isn't necessarily a 'can never date' either- it could just be a 'can't date until my friend has well and truly moved on from you, because I care about her too much to date you until then.'

Sounds like it's time for a sad crying wank.

I get why the girl of your dreams did that. She risks losing a great friend for someone she doesn't really know. talk to your friend and let her know that you don't feel the same way. Your friendship & chances with the dream girl may be ruined, but at least everything will be out in the open.

be honest with your friend tell her how you feel and that you just want to pursue a friendship who knows what the future will bring but that you're interested in this other girl and you wish her happiness but it just might not be with you

She seems so sweet, I get why she is the girl of your dreams

As someone who has seen things from the perspective of the friend (and ****** up a whole lot worse than her), a talk would be in order. It might not help, but it's worth a shot. I mean... yes she has her feelings and yes it will hurt A LOT, but if she is a true friend she'll see that it's not fair to force someone to like her in a way they clearly can't reciprocate. Also, any attempt to try any sort of relationship with her would be dangerous, because it plays to the feelings she has, meanwhile you'd be struggling with yours, which makes for a very real chance that things will end up much worse than they originally were with her being felt led on. I sincerely hope it works out for you and everyone involved. Best of luck.