It's not you, it's you

By Anonymous - 22/04/2016 20:20 - United States - San Francisco

Today, through a mutual friend, I met the girl of my dreams. After flirting and exchanging numbers with her, my friend confessed that she's liked me since the day we met. Now the girl of my dreams doesn't want to pursue a relationship with me out of respect for our friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 632
You deserved it 1 761

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Honestly, if I were the friend, I wouldn't let myself get in the way of two people wanting to be together.

In a perfect world, you get the perfect girl and the perfect friend. In this world however, it seems you get neither. Life sucks sometimes.


Dang... F everyone's life in that situation :( Sorry to hear about that OP

There's always 2 women in a man's life. The one he loves. And the one that loves him. Preach on Chris Rock.

I get that it sucks but also understand where the girl is coming from; you have a friendship that will be strained (no matter how kind the friend is, it still won't be pleasant) vs a guy that she just met. It may just be a respect thing.

If you just met her, don't put too much stock in "girl of your dreams" unless dreams just mean good looks. Most people put effort in a really good first impression, and without knowing someone for a while how can you know what is the real them/ a forced good impression. This isn't some disney romance where hot=amazing person for simplicity.

Shit happens dude. She'll get over you I guarantee that, perhaps try talking to her so you can get the other relationship going

the only reason in my opinion that this FML is getting the response it is because the genders are the way that they are and its told from the guy's perspective. Let's say that this is from the perspective of the girl who OP likes and all the genders were reversed. "Today, through a mutual friend, I met a really cute girl. After flirting and exchanging numbers with her, my friend confessed that he's liked her since the day they met. Now, I can't pursue a relationship with this girl out of respect for our friend. FML" everyone would be talking about the virtues of the bro code and how it's one girl that probably won't be thought about in a few months, but that the friendship is more important. Some would probably point out that it probably hurt their friend to see these two hitting it off so well, and that's why the friend confessed. But I don't think many people would say that it was rude of the friend to confess this.

**** you dude do you not think the friend is suffering?, Oh I'm sorry you can't **** someone you just met can you be anymore selfish

This happened to me as well, except my "friend" told the guy that I was a total **** and he shouldn't be interested in me. He was more interested due to that fact, haha. I wouldn't peruse a relationship because I knew that she liked him. He told me what she said and a year later he and I were married. 6 years later and still very happy!!

Hmmm give it a try and dont take No for an answer, this is your dream girl!!!!

Or they could, you know, be a decent human being and accept that their 'dream girl' doesn't want to date them, regardless of the reason why. pressuring her into dating them would probably drive both of them away, and OP would deserve being left alone for ignoring the feelings and desires of their 'dream girl.' If someone doesn't want to date someone, they do not have to date that person, regardless of the reasons why they don't want to date them. Saying "don't take no for an answer" is really ****** up and encourages behavior that is flat out wrong. It's basically saying "my desires matter more than yours do" and if you can't see what is wrong with that, you don't need to be put in a position of power over anyone, ever.