It's all in the timing

By laststand11 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, my mom used, "Happy Thanksgiving break" and, "We sold your car" in the same sentence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 039
You deserved it 2 492

Top comments

Awh! Same thing happened to me back in 08! It was a dark and stormy night...


Haha what steve says is more likely than them selling your car without permission right? nobody is that cruel on thanksgiving... right? :) op!

then run off all the time with their car

Yes, you are reading into it way to far, just make fun of her like everyone else.

bubba68 2

How did she sell "your" car? Didn't you most likely mean "she sold the car she used to let me drive"?

Came to say this. It's obviously not your car if they legally sold it. You're just being a whiny twat because your parents don't have a car for you to borrow and drive about in as you please.

Maybe she is not the -she talks way too much- type of people?

utterdebauchery 7