It's all in the timing

By laststand11 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, my mom used, "Happy Thanksgiving break" and, "We sold your car" in the same sentence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 039
You deserved it 2 492

Top comments

Awh! Same thing happened to me back in 08! It was a dark and stormy night...


Things are bad everywhere OP. I'm guessing it was really your mom's car and she needed the money. Average vehicles are the worst investment a person can make. They depreciate in value quite a bit as soon as you drive it off the lot. Best value buy a Toyota that is 1 year old with low mileage.

Ya, there should be more punctuation on this post, sorry I was in a hurry! =)

JayJayAttackAtta 5

So to pay for everything, they sold a car that OP might use to go to school instead of selling their own car or possibly trying to find a job? McDonalds is always hiring

If they can sell your car, they'd have to steal the legal documents and illegally sell it, if not, it's not your car, but their car that you use. Fact is..... Sue them and eat turkey?

dubstepfreak123 0

Say happy thanksgiving break, I did in fact take your vacation money to buy alcohol, btw it wasn't the neighbor

EvilDave 13

If it was your car, they would not have been able to sell it. Therefore, YDI for not owning "your" car.

fogrunner 13

Are you familiar with feet, bikes, or public transit?

I'm sure that OP is. That doesn't change the fact that OP's mom sold his/her car without their permission...And may have kept the money. Besides, not all cities have good public transportation systems when you need to travel a long way for work, school, etc. There isn't even a public transportation system in the city I live in. One would need to drive to the next city to catch a bus.

perdix 29

That's probably two sentences. Possibly one with a semi-colon in there somewhere. The only way it could be one sentence would be, "Sonny, since we sold your car, we have so much sweet cash that we are going to have a happy Thanksgiving break." Then, they'd go on to say, "Would you please leave your guns, drugs, comic book collection and jewelry laying about here before Christmas?"

Well then say "I hate you" and "Happy thanksgiving!" in one sentence.

Hey at least it wasnt followed by you're adopted right?