It's a gas gas gas

By Dani - 28/11/2011 12:34 - Reserved

Today, my boyfriend and I were visiting a historical war bunker when I accidentally let rip a small fart. My boyfriend responded with a horribly loud, horrendous fart, and loudly announced, "This is war." There were people, lots of people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 371
You deserved it 9 464

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stepanek911 1

atleast you weren't in an historical gas chamber.


That is funny (: my boyfriend and I rank eachothers burps. Its love.

hez68 1

Haha my boyfriend and I do that too!! We've to the point of being comfortable with farying in front of eachother:)

Gothicbunnyx3 16

Your boyfriend sounds awesome!

THIS IS FARTAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! (i hate to toot my own horn (hehe) but that was quite ripping)

well, you can't hold it in forever... but his response seems like overkill

I don't care how old I get, farts, especially well timed will always be pure comic gold to me.

Resorting to biological warfare.... In a war bunker..... GENIUS!!

ThisIsSpicy 2

Hey, that's how the west was won....