Is this a joke?

By Anonymous - 11/01/2011 19:06 - United States

Today, my husband invited a couple of his college friends over for dinner. While we were in the middle of eating, one of them asked loudly, "Hey, whatever happened to that fat bitch you dated in your third year?" We've been dating since his second year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 723
You deserved it 3 877

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Either you lost major weight to where they can't recognize you, or he was cheating on you with a fat woman.

A pimp-ass husband's response: I married that cow and ****** the weight off her, like a boss. How's your brisket? (said loudly)


monkey2000 6

so were they talkin about you or he cheated on you im kindof confused

hey thats good thing at least you loss sone weight. (and practically all friends of the guy hate his gf) or he was cheating on you. but uh he chose you right... no never mind your life is f***** up

Congratulations on your diet plan...?

sorry op. but they sound like they never grew up from college. that and fat is a word most men will use for a woman of any weight.

karimm_fml 6

Well what did you/he do/say?

Isn't that good because it means you've slimmed?