Is this a joke to you?

By smiletellsall - 06/08/2009 23:41 - United States

Today, my boss called me into his office. He had a huge smile on his face, so I assumed I was going to get promoted. He then sat down, and told me that he had been sleeping with my wife for the last three months. He still had a huge smile on his face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 339
You deserved it 3 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Put a huge smile on as you kick him in the balls. FYL though.

Seriously? What was he hoping to get out of that? And as for your wife, well, gee man all I can say is that's horrible. THAT'S a true FML if I ever heard one.


Well what I would do is get a divorce the same day, then sue the company realistically. In this order, because if you get a settlement before you divorce, that ***** of a woman will get some. And you can't have that can you? And you didn't set the building on fire yet? No do that after...

And what is he supposed to sue the company for? I'm pretty sure nailing his wife and telling him about it is outside the line and scope of his boss's employment.

Your boss is a sociopath, you're a ******* wimp.

on the bright side less you do something really aweful he's just secured your job or a transfer to another department if you want if you're in a large company.

Go out and get a scorching case of the clap, then come back home and get frisky with the wife. Then divorce her ass (you've got cause, you won't lose half your stuff) and wait for the *ahem* "love" to spread. You'll need some penicillin, but it'll all be worth it.

Wow... that sucks. Jump on top of the guy and go crazy. Its not too late, after all you know where he works. Also I would recommend you watch fracture. But seriously dude...that sucks and on the flip side if you leave your wife you'll get everything. Not a big relief but hey, you now have a reason to get them back!!!

and you didn't beat his ass because? If my boss said that to me my first action would be to hop over the table, my second action we be beating the smile off his ******* mouth. You're a pussy. Sure, you'd get arrested but the judge would go easy on you for that, man.

Do you have any children... if so check to make sure they are yours... Did you get a raise? i would of still asked for one....

Did you notice how she cheated on him with another man? And how most of the "cumsluts" are cheating on boyfriends with other guys? What does that say about the quality of men "these days"? Go back to your cave, troglodyte.