Is this a joke to you?

By smiletellsall - 06/08/2009 23:41 - United States

Today, my boss called me into his office. He had a huge smile on his face, so I assumed I was going to get promoted. He then sat down, and told me that he had been sleeping with my wife for the last three months. He still had a huge smile on his face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 339
You deserved it 3 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Put a huge smile on as you kick him in the balls. FYL though.

Seriously? What was he hoping to get out of that? And as for your wife, well, gee man all I can say is that's horrible. THAT'S a true FML if I ever heard one.


ronws23 0

Apply a fist directly to the forehead Apply a fist directly to the forehead

LMFAO this comment made my day @ the OP i suggest you take the advice and beat his ass until he can't smile anymore

LMFAO this comment made my day @ the OP i suggest you take the advice and beat his ass until he can't smile anymore

If you're boss likes to smile that much, I'd have gone Joker-style on him. Make him smile from ear to ear, then die from blood loss. probably better than the fat prick deserves

"He had a huge smile on his face, so I assumed I was going to get promoted. " YDI for expecting promotions.

call your HR dept and get that sorry SOB fired!!!

First I'm wondering what the...fudge... that guy thought he was doing- and then still smiling when he told you. Number two: What kind of idiot calls their employee in during work to tell them that? Number three: All violent outcomes aside, I think you should confront your wife. If you're married, you're committed to eachother. Find out where and why that commitment broke. And then go make your boss sorry for doing it (I don't mean beating him up- I mean making him emotionally distressed. He broke his employee's trust, didn't he? Your trust?)

He was probourly thinking that if you got pissed and yelled at him he had the advantage of firing you.

That guy would be on the floor sooner than his expression could change, if it were me.

Do EXACTLY what my name says, KICK THAT ************'S ASS, BITCH!!!!! **** THAT GUYS LIFE UP AND MAKE IT HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u dont desevre that kind of Bull Shit, I would kick that guys ass even if i got fired, kick my wife outta da house, LOCK THAT BITCH OUT, throw her SHIT in a busy highway, and then sue both of them!!! >:P c'mon man, if HE had the balls to tell u what HE did, get the balls to KICKHISASS!!!!!

bust his kneecaps? why the **** didn't you?