Is this a joke to you?

By smiletellsall - 06/08/2009 23:41 - United States

Today, my boss called me into his office. He had a huge smile on his face, so I assumed I was going to get promoted. He then sat down, and told me that he had been sleeping with my wife for the last three months. He still had a huge smile on his face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 339
You deserved it 3 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Put a huge smile on as you kick him in the balls. FYL though.

Seriously? What was he hoping to get out of that? And as for your wife, well, gee man all I can say is that's horrible. THAT'S a true FML if I ever heard one.


i wouldnt even beat the shit out of him. its not like the wife was forced to **** him. she accepted. their both not worth going to jail for. although i still wouldnt want to work for him. prob beat the shit out of him actually lol. then throw her ****** shit on the curb

Let's review for the benefit of all the internet tough guys here: 1) The OP answers to this guy at work, dedicating most of his waking hours to doing the guy's bidding and being at his beck and call. 2) The guy has supplanted the OP in his own marital bed. Ergo, the guy is simply a superior man to the OP. Kicking his ass probably wasn't even on the menu as a possibility. He MIGHT be able to kick his wife's ass, but I'm not making that assumption without evidence. We all know how he reacted. He meekly hung his head, slinked out of his boss' office, and got his meager revenge by wasting company time posting this FML. Haha, that'll show 'em! Of course, next time the boss nails his wife, he'll be in the corner wearing her panties and jerking off. YDI for being such a ******* nancy.

LilyMarie15 0

wow, your wife's a dumb bitch and your boss is complete asshole. lose them both!

Sounds like you've got a textbook "Sexual Harassment" case. (not for "quid pro quo", but for "hostile work environment"). While I normally despise how lawsuit-happy our society is, for this one I'd go straight to a lawyer and see what can be done.

Wow, that really sucks. I think I would have not only been getting a divorce that day – I would also be starting my search for a new job, or my new defense lawyer, since I would have beat that guy half to death.

Damn man, I feel really sorry for you. If this is for real. Just **** his wife ( if the douche has one) and tell him that with a smile.Then you kick his ass. You will get fired for that, but what the ****....**** IT!! You don't have to take that kind of shit. You got some dignity, don't you?? And about your lovely wife. Kick her out and get a divorce, because if she slept with him maybe she did some others. PS: No shooting or whatever, you don't want to spend the rest of your life in jail for this shit. FYL

thelonelylurker 0

Dump the wife, beat up the boss. Hell, beat up the wife too.

Fail_Pig 0

YDI for dating the boss's wife.

your a rich man... divorce her and sue the living shit out of your company. I would talk to a lawyer about this one.

What I'd love to do is just randomly pull out a Pfeifer Zeliska .600 Nitro Express, a 15-pound, 2-foot long revolver (largest handgun in the world, actually), and level it at his face. Then fire a blank and watch him shart his pants. But it costs $16,000. :-(