In your dreams

By ohiochibi - 03/12/2009 19:34 - United States

Today, I posted a note on Facebook about a weird dream I had about my ex-boyfriend, in which I made out with him, then it turned into a vampires vs. werewolves battle. My ex PMs me and says there's a better chance of a vampires vs. werewolves battle than us ever making out again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 389
You deserved it 47 952

Same thing different taste

Top comments

brrrx 0

How could anyone click anything other than "you deserved it?"

Why would you post that on facebook?...maybe tell a friend or two lol If you were to post that on facebook or myspace, of course he would respond like that!


vac2007 0

That sounds a lot like Van Helsing

painandpeace 0

YDI. He's your ex for a reason.

ok first of all why would you post that on facebook? that's pretty stupid, u want all ur friends to see it? and if u jusy wanted to tell him u should've messaged him. YDI. now that being said, at least he had the decency to private message u and not embarass u with everyone like u probly did to him.

sarcdude 3

Why in the world did you post about having a dream about your ex in public, and followed it with something that inane? YDI.

Hahah Well its sort of your fault why would you post that knowing that there was a chance he could read it.

why is he still your friend on facebook?