I've known for ages

By Crap - 28/01/2010 05:01 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor for horrible stomach pains. He said I had an abnormal amount of stool in me, and that I'd need to flush it out. I called my mom and told her what happened, to which she responded, "I always knew you were full of shit, I didn't need a doctor to tell me that." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 077
You deserved it 7 179

Same thing different taste


Hahaha. That sucks, but your mom has a great sense of humour, even if it is sophomoric.

HollywOOd21 0

LMAO! Your mom is awesome! Funnyass shit!

cml210 0

hahaha my mom would say the sane thing

RyanZhang22 1

that's a owning mom. she sounds like my kinda girl.( just kidding, don't worry)

How did the mom know about the girl's medical problem before she even saw a doctor? I don't get it.

kelleyb323 0

wow.. her mom was joking as in the saying "you're so full of shit.."

I've heard that saying before but I've never understood it.

kelleyb323 0

your mom is funny.. how is this an FML?

kelleyb323 0

by the way, you deserve it for not realizing that your stomach cramps were related to the fact that you hadn't taken a shit in over a week. buy some ******* laxatives and save yourself a trip.

I had this kind of problem before when I was a kid.. It's sux, pity u.

HAHA, poor you, but the comment of your mom is hilarious. Big time WIN!

ftwandu2 0

this really isn't worthy of being on here infact at no point during your incoherent rambling did u make any sense everyone in the room is now dumber for having read this, I award you no points And may God have mercy on your soul