How much?

By Anonymous - 21/07/2009 06:06 - United States

Today, I was at the airport to catch a plane. It was very crowded at the gate and there was nowhere to sit except for a flat metal bench, so I sat on that. Turns out I was sitting on a luggage scale, so my weight was displayed for everybody to see. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 289
You deserved it 47 030

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well as long as it wasn't out of scale or smth... If you're fat, everyone can see it anyway - giant neon letters couldn't be more obvious than a giant flabby torso.

Hahaha, that's not that bad unless you're overweight.


vsg101 0

YDI for being a fat ****, and stupid enough to sit there in the first place.

Bullshet 0

It's not like you're ever going to see them ever again. Why does it matter?

So? Your weight is your weight, it's just a fact.

LegndNikko 0

Ok? So people saw your weight. Do you think your life sucks every time you go to the docter and they check your weight?

how do you not realize it's a scale? and what airport has scales laying around that look like benches? I'm callin fake for this one

well how much do you weigh? women are too paranoid about their weight. i mean no offense but if your fat it's pretty much your fault unless you are disabled or something. if you are eat a little bit less and go exercise more.

thats too bad that you didn't know what that metal flat "bench" was dummy

It doesn't matter whether the OP was overweight. I don't know why people are so fixated on this "it's only an FML if you were fat" mentality. What if the OP were anorexic and embarrassed at how UNDERweight she was? Most Western women are obsessed about our weight no matter what though, even if we're perfectly healthy, because of our ****** up society. Weight doesn't matter anyway, as a number by itself. It's your overall health that matters. One person can be 150 pounds and it's healthy for them, another can be 150 and overweight, and another could be 150 and underweight. Forget the numbers, focus on health. Tangents aside, OP: You really didn't know it was a scale? Seriously? Was it your first time in an airport or something? Actually I'm a little confused. The scales are by the luggage counter, when you get to the front of the line. At that point there's no reason to sit. Why the hell did you think you should sit down at all?!

kitkatkelly - yeah, no women wear's a $7 billion annual industry because of all the...ummm...cats buying eyeliner? you are an exception, not the rule.