
By Anonymous - 01/02/2012 20:21 - United States

Today, my morning sickness has been so bad that my husband's farts send me running to the bathroom. He thinks it's hilarious, and has been following me around all day trying to crack one off in my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 272
You deserved it 4 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yarrachel 16

Just throw up on him, that'll teach him.


How very insensitive of him. I suggest you throw up on his face. Or at least anywhere on him you can reach.

sparklecherry 4
conman531 23

What up with people saying "you married an idiot" or "your fault?" I bet that's only one of a few flaws, otherwise, she probably would of not married him or waited till he matured.

ffgghytt 3

Wow that sucks who's I could help ya. Like really :) and hope your morning sickness gets better soon