
By mugs - 12/03/2009 19:49 - United States

Today, I asked my parents if the outfit I was wearing made me look fat. My mom looked at me and paused for a while; my dad said, "Honey, that outfit doesn't make you look fat. Your fat makes you look fat." FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 673
You deserved it 23 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kagome_eb 0

hahaha am sorry he is right, don't ask people questions unless you want to hear the true.


wow, i'm sorry you can't accept the truth. but you DID ask for their opinions. so suck it up and don't spam FML with your self esteem issues.

So you're fat, do something about it.

Bubs_fml 0

Not to go shouting "fake!" but this basically quotes a played out joke from that movie or TV show or whatever it was. But, either way, there's only so much you can blame on parenting and genetics. Put down the fork!

HatesMyMom 0

You asked for a response. Kudos to your dad for being honest with you. Let this be a lesson for anyone that has to ask that question, unless its a fat suit, it ain't the outfit.

you totally deserved it. i hate the "does this make me look fat?" question. seriously, grow up and stop being dependent on other people's opinions to improve your self esteem. it's called SELF esteem, simple bitch.

wrestler_fml 0

The entire reason you are fat is because you would rather have people lie to you to cover up a problem, than to have them tell you the truth so you can effectively DEAL with that problem! ...Anddd you deserved it. Not only did you deserve it for being fat and for asking a question you wanted to be lied to about, you ALSO deserve it for not being able to calculate BMI, or to look in a mirror and honestly tell yourself whether you're fat or not! Get measuring tape if you have to! I'd start eating right, and more importantly, I'd start running, lifting weights, exercising, and playing a sport. Hey- try wrestling! =)

awesomo3000 0

super fake, but you probly are if you have to say stuff like this online for attention