
By Dumped - 18/02/2010 08:58 - United States

Today, I found out that my girlfriend got drunk and cheated on me. After I tried to talk to her about it, she dumped me. Not because she didn't like me anymore or that she liked the other guy, but because she felt "too guilty" and "wouldn't be able to look me in the eyes anymore." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 999
You deserved it 3 423

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh_dee 0

Wow, this sucks a lot (especially if you really loved her), but it's a good thing that you broke up...cheating shouldn't be tolerated and she should feel guilty for what she did. I'm not sure if I would have the strength to give a guy another chance if he cheated on me.


my gf did the same thing... I'm just not a pussy, and didn't put it on fml.

Nah, you make yourself feel better by insulting strangers anonymously on FML. Which is much less cowardly.

cbutters 0

actually you just did.... dumb a$$

Your FML got failed by the mods, you just can't admit it so that's why you commented on an identical FML, on your phone with your feet deep in the waters of a river in Egypt, just so you could put your little heart fragments SOMEWHERE. d'aww. *patpat*

she's bullshitting u. girls r ****** that's just the way they are.

You're right. You're always right. You're too true for this site :P

geordieboysgirl 0

She is extremely manipulative. Trying to make you feel bad because she screwed up. Move on.

FYL for being so desperately lonely you didn't want your cheating girlfriend to break up with you. Wait... what?

I think the first thing you need to do is instigate a 3-way (dejavu?) then immediately afterwords show your primal side by beating your chest and screaming like an ape on hallucinagins (spelling?). p.s. this only works if you ARE in fact an ape. side affects may include but are not limited to; looking like an idiot, being turned down for said 3some, aids.

Why thank you sir. Now excuse me while I bring out my giant chalkboard of FML users to impress... *checks off pendatic*. YOU ARE NEXT FREEZE! bwahahaaha *coughcough* amidoinitrite?

That sucks for both of you. I have to work with with the guy that I cheated with and there are some days that the guilt is really bad but I don't take it out on my husband. I know how f-ing lucky I am that he gave me a second chance. OP, your relationship obviously just wasn't important enough to her for her to attempt to deal with her guilt.

oh_dee 0

Wow, this sucks a lot (especially if you really loved her), but it's a good thing that you broke up...cheating shouldn't be tolerated and she should feel guilty for what she did. I'm not sure if I would have the strength to give a guy another chance if he cheated on me.

natashalove19 0

yeah sounds to me like that's one of those excuses just to break no offence or nothing but sounds like bull