Great timing

By wideeyeddays - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Pasadena

Today, my dad thought it was a great idea to text me and say he'd had to put our dog down. I was in the middle of class and still had hours left at school. It's not fun to walk across campus holding back tears. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 212
You deserved it 1 695

Top comments

I know the feeling.. animals, especially dogs are of the same importance as humans in most peoples lives.

VashSN17 10

That must've been awful.. I've never had a dog but I've always wanted one.. sorry for your loss...


snarkytruth 37

The father could have been too distraught himself to think about what the kid was doing at that minute. I know a dad that passed out he loved his pet so much. So don't be too hard on him. Some of the name calling on here is too harsh for this kind of situation I've never had a vet offer to make my animals comfortable till family could arrive and say bye. That's a new one to me. Never knew it was an option. When we've come to the decision to put one to sleep all I can think of is to end the suffering not what is convenient for anyones schedule. My furry babies come first. That is terribly sad OP and had to be awful. I feel for your dad too though it had to be harder to be there going through it with your dog. Always Remember it was well loved and had the best life you could give it. That's all a dog asks for. Btw to some other posters- vets WILL put a perfectly healthy animal down if the owner requests it. Vets try to talk them into giving it up for adoption. But it's the law they are required to kill it if the owner will not allow it to be adopted or given to a shelter. Reality sucks

I am so sorry for your loss. The pain of losing a friend is one never easy and never will be easy. I'm so so sorry...

I'm incredibly sorry for your loss and the way the message was delivered

Queen_of_Night 20

Sorry OP. My cat, who I had since I was eight, died from a stroke while I was at my father's. He was only 10 so it was a shock. I was only a week from coming home. It broke my heart I wasn't there for him when he died. It really pisses me off that some people on here are pretty dismissive of cats being members of the family just as much as dogs are. My cats are practically my shadow and are every bit as loving as my dog.

CRY. CRY in front of your whole class do that they take your parents for counseling. TeeHee

I'm really sorry! I recently had to have my cat put down and I can imagine how you felt :( My friend's mom did the same thing your dad did while he was at a wedding... It's a tough moment for everybody I guess

I had this exact situation happen to me on my 17th birthday... sorry for your loss, OP.

Holy crap. Really? The middle of the day, while you're at school, he decides to do that? And you never got to say goodbye. Oh the feels

Im an animal lover and I bet that would have been awful. Sorry OP

wideeyeddays 5

For some reason when it was posted, it was omitted that yesterday was my birthday. So my birthday present from my dad was that he was putting the dog down, and it was completely out of the blue.