Grades go both ways

By tomandjerry - 21/05/2009 04:35 - United States

Today, I was scolding my 8 year-old son because he was getting bad grades in school. I told him that he should get straight "A"s like his friend Ceejay. He told me that comparing him to Ceejay was unfair. When I asked why, he said, "Because his dad is actually smart." FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 915
You deserved it 66 542

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's no need to compare to the other kids in the class. What if the kids parents do everything for him? Tell your child to do what they can do, don't push them to be something more than what they are. YDI. And #2, scolding doesn't necessarily mean hitting.

You don't compare your kids to other kids. It's unfair and incredibly rude to your child. If he's not getting A's, maybe something else is up. Maybe CJ's dad actually helps his kid with his homework? And your kid's 8 years old. They don't even get letter grades yet I don't think. You should be encouraging him.


Keenybooeee 0

Haha, this sound like my parents or other Asian parents (most). We really hate their complains. Anyway, I disagree with the comments that involved "If he's getting anything other than straight A's in elementary school, you need to act now or your life will be ******, because he'll be living with you until he's 30" or somewhat related. They're only elementary school students for crying out loud. As long they're trying and not slacking off on their homework, they will get good grades later on. Also, don't compare yourself to the elementary school students. They're just new to learning things like a baby trying to crawl or walk. Can't blame them if they didn't have the past learning knowledge knowing how to do it except later on when you're like in 4th grade. I remember I used to fail on three or four or possibly five simple subtraction test in 1st grade;however, now I'm an A's and B's student in high school right now. Oh btw, eight years old children are either in 1st grade to 3rd grade depending on their birthday.

never. compare. your. kids. are you stupid? jesus. he may end up one emotionally damaged person. you know why? that actually happens to people. you know? Your kid was right and You deserved that straight up People like you don't deserve to have kids.

YDI. When I was in school, my parents always made me get good grades. It's too much pressure to put on a kid to compare him to his friends and tell him that he isn't smart enough. I'm all for helping your kids get the best grades they can get, but comparing them isn't fair at all.

Keenybooeee 0

Oh yeah, I'm impressed what a eight years old kid said to you especially about his dad being smart. IMO, it seem like he's going to be a smart student. lol I really hate the "no talking back" rule. It only make them just being restricted to listen and understand without expressing your opinions.

YDI. You should NEVER EVER compare your kids to another kid.

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh dised by an 8 year old. i love your kid! he should go on AGT. lol

Horrible parent for comparing an eight year old child to someone else. Unlikely he will forget that.

may_cause_fail 0

Never compare your kid to one of his friends. :/ That's just messed up.

YDI for comparing your kid. He may well be trying his hardest. You tell your child off if he is just goofing around not doing anything, not if he is just getting low grades.

Your son is awesome. The same cannot be said for you. He's probably a milkman baby.