Good boy

By nicedoggy - 23/10/2012 18:05 - United States - Nixa

Today, I came home from college to find my favorite silk nightie that I'd left behind being modeled by Bernie, the family dog. Nobody will admit to who put it on him. I don't know what's worse, that my family is a bunch of assholes, or that my nightie is big enough to fit a Saint Bernard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 308
You deserved it 3 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LiterOfCola 16

Bernie is proud to fit into such a small size though.. I say they did a good deed boosting his confidence


RedPillSucks 31

they were going for the wrong kind of "hot" dog.

Maybe they're trying subtly to tell OP she's a real "woofer"

I don't care about the effort, that pun still only deserves a C.

Wait, you named your Saint Bernard Bernie? Isn't that creative...

Maybe they like the movie "Weekend at Bernie's"

Literally came to the comments to see if anyone else noticed this too haha

BunchieRules 31

Ya that's the point he is going to get bitches with the silk.

BunchieRules 31

Well, that comment went completely over my head. I thought you meant Bernie liked the silk and tried it on, because he's supposedly a female. Whoops.

80skid 15

Is your saint bernard a girl? If so I think they are making a statement.

Hey ass face umm you know that you said it was the family's fault and then her fault WTF

So much hostility, and I'm not sure who you're directing this at..

MindFreakazoid 10
WhatWhatInTheBut_fml 5

if it was your fav, then why did you leave it at home and not take it with you? your fault for that

depends on how big and old your St. Bernard is..