Give us a cig, mate

By Jbs4lf - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Belgium

Today, I got punched in the face by a drunk dude because I wouldn't give him any cigarettes. I don't smoke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 042
You deserved it 2 766

Top comments

Wow... Whoever said YDI is a jerk. Apparently they deserved to get punched in the face for not basically sucking on cancer.


Epsilonyx 15

Get cigarettes, find/drug the man, then tie him up and stuff the lit cigarettes into his mouth until he chokes. Then, with his last dying breath, let him know that... *puts on sunglasses* "Smoking kills."

FeroniaMoonscyth 2

that's common and shame on you for failing to avert a punch from a drunk.

Don't be sad OP, at least you would not have some shitty cancer in the future !!

jaredofmo 22

"Can I get a cigarette?" "I don't smoke." "Yeah, you do. *cough/gasp/wheeze*" "Hear how easily I breathe?" *POW!* Is that how it went?

My friend got stabbed in the face once by some kid because he didn't have any smokes. Count yourself lucky.

If he was drunk and you were sober, you should have been able to kick his ass (unless he was The Drunken Master).