Get out of there!

By Anonymous - 21/04/2021 15:30 - United States - Durham

Today, after I can't count how many times, my boyfriend of 5 years decided to break MORE things in our home, because I asked him not to let our son speak to me rudely. His response, "He said 'OK' so you should have shut up." Basically, he's raising my kid to treat me like he does. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 105
You deserved it 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know, you have your part in raising the kid up - why don't YOU try to teach him to speak with you properly? And more importantly, why do you allow your bf to treat you like that? And why the heck is still a BF and not ex-BF?

ojoRojo 27


wysegirl 24

leave him and forget him. any man that treats you like a doormat needs to be out the door. raise your son by yourself and teach him how to respect people and not walk on them. stop being a mat and be a human being

Lolamae 9

You need to get out of there. This is an abusive relationship and will only escalate. GET OUT NOW.

Lolamae 9

This is psychological abuse. Get out now.

Lolamae 9

Don’t put up with this abuse. Get out now.

Lolamae 9
Lolamae 9

Run, don’t walk, from this relationship. If you stay, you have only yourself to blame.

You know you don't have to put up with this right? You CAN get rid of him, and take him to court for child support to make sure he's held accountable for financial stuff.

Time to get the hell out of there... and if the kid is like his father, leave the brat with him. They're suited for each other.