Get it now?

By poopooppachuu - 11/10/2011 07:32 - United States

Today, in the middle of explaining over the phone to my crush how I felt about him, I got a text from his best friend, who was apparently with him at the time. It said, "He doesn't like you, get over it. Stop rambling." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 107
You deserved it 6 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

biggee531 7

At least he didn't try to lead you on. I'd rather someone be up front than play games.

jouchebag 0


Am I the only one to notice that you're AlLWAYS in a good mood?

LotsaLaughs 5

Awhh, sorry about that: ( at least you talked to him though, it was worth a shot! & hey, who knows? His friend is probably just jelous!!!

LotsaLaughs 5

Awhh, sorry about that: ( at least you talked to him though, it was worth a shot! & hey, who knows? His friend is probably just jelous!!!

XenaWP 6

Nah- I hate people 'professing' their love... You give a hint (or several) and if there is no move on their part then either a) it's not reciprocated, or b) they are clueless. In the case of b), going out with them would be no fun anyway.

Kindly said, #1. OP, it's hard to tell people how you feel, especially if you're not interested and she's going on about how much she likes you. Your crush is a wimp but don't think too badly of him. His friend had good intentions but a rotten delivery. Next time you have a crush, keep it simple and give the bloke a chance to say how he feels. It may save both of you some embarrassment. Shake it off and move on.

Confessing your feelings on the phone to someone may not be the best idea because you can't read their body language. Sorry his friend was overly blunt. He could have been nicer.

Yeah, face to face is the way to do it. Plus nothing says "I love you" like a ******** and you can't give one of those over the phone.

His friend sounds like a complete douchebag! That is in no means very nice at all!