Gene Cusano

By dramateach11 - 03/04/2009 00:37 - United States

Today, I was trying to get drama students to attempt to make themselves cry. I was not having any luck, until suddenly a girl burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably. I jumped up to applaud, saying what a wonderful thing it is to have such expressive kids. Turns out her grandma just died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 919
You deserved it 10 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Actually that's an excellent way to approach drama, by conjuring up personal emotions actors can put themselves closer to their characters. You should considering giving her some extra marks for that. I remember in drama class the best actor of the whole class would remember real life situations in order to cry and get closer to her character.

sufan106 0

wow that must have been really awkward for the students watching haha ur life does suck


alex_vik 0

#20 and #21 - Please, for the sake of everyone, shut the **** up. Just because nothing bad has ever happened to you, that doesn't mean shit doesn't happen to anyone else.

i've never had a boyfriend, only had 3 friends in my entire life, had to move away from them all, and have only been to a grand total of 2 parties outside of family and family friends. also i havent seen my dad since i was 2. u shut the **** up asshole

xMooMoox 0

I'm with #12 did she find out by text or something? If so thats horrible all in itself. I knew this girl who one day got pulled out of class, she came back about 20 mins later. Her mom had come to school to tell her her grandfather died, and then left her there.

thats not good but i mean you could not have known and its what i would have done

that's pretty bad, but don't blame yourself. you had no way of knowing.

may_cause_fail 0

12, 23, and a few others- I don't think the OP means that she had just found out that her grandmother had died. She probably means that her grandmother had died recently and she was still grieving. Still, not your fault since you really couldn't have known.