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By dumpedchick - 25/06/2009 02:46 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of 3 years dumped me. I was really depressed, so a couple of my friends came over to take me out to a club to cheer me up. My ex was there, partying with his friends. He came up to me and my friends, and asked my friend if she wanted to hang out sometime. She said yes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 422
You deserved it 3 653

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe she's just plotting something in order to get back at him... or she's just a bitch.

Lol I just moderated this-Yea that sucks. People like that arnt real freinds.


Becca15 0

You know what, your friend is a bitch, but it was initially your ex's fault. The next time you see him, punch him. Make his nose bleed. And that bitch, get rid of her. I am so so sorry. I got dumped a couple of weeks ago, it was a terrible blow even when we'd only been going out for six months.

Everything about this story is such a kick in the teeth =(

GoodGravyGrace 0

Your friend needs to rearrange her needs from her crotch to her heart...and your ex needs to be rewired for kindness. Know that there are people hoping your life gets better soon. In the meantime, try to find something to make you happy. Even if it's a song about hating him. That always helps me. :)

Ouch, what a dumb ***** your friend is.

I'm all for being friends with friend's ex's, but talk about tactless! If she REALLY wanted to hang out she could have said "Not now" and got back to him later.

That isn't a real friend..if my friend did that to me a wuld have ended up beating her and my ex.