Freaked out

By AnxietyGirl - 24/09/2012 07:18 - United States - Parker

Today, I had to admit that I desperately need anti-anxiety medication. Apparently, when you walk around a grocery store avoiding eye contact and generally acting "sketchy", management will call the police on you, who will then pat you down to be sure you aren't shoplifting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 603
You deserved it 2 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lots of people avoid eye contact. I hope there's more to it than that to make you say you need medication. You could have left off the first sentence and had a perfectly valid FML.

sarahlove281 4

Her FML is referencing how embarrassing her anxiety is. She feels ashamed of herself. It's not necessarily about the getting patted down part.


OP I'm sorry you feel that way- if you honest to goodness believe that you need anti-anxiety medication then talk to a professional first. They may be able to help you with therapy- medication messes with your bodily chemicals and can (not overly often) make your symptoms worse. Therapy is a good way to get back on your feet.. So much more effective too :) good luck!

They aren't legally allowed to phone the police until you are outside the store and they have to have visual proof of some sort, either tape or someone who saw. Sue sue sue!

You can't sue someone for that. Well, in America you could, but thats a stupid waste of time.

Actually you could sue and not just in america and it's not a waste of time especially since it more than likely caused the OP a lot of undue stress and possibly panic in that situation not to mention if OP was unlawfully detained too

Yes, you can sue an op should seriously consider getting legal advice. Usualy an ironically, I would not recomend the sueing thing but that sounds like violating op civil rights or even discrimination. What could finally be awarded will depend of the way managment treated op, the amount of public around and other factors, but they needed to be sure op took something before acting like they did.

olpally 32

They called the cops because you avoided eye contact and for you just being yourself? That's ****** up! I hope you get the meds you need, they over-reacted way too much here.

Whistlee 8

Shows the management is sick, not you!

That's incredibly rude, you think they would have at least tried to talk to you before resorting to calling the police. :P

fmaon06 10

Given that there are tons of shootings occurring around the nation, I can somewhat understand why management decided to call in the police. People acting shady can make others nervous for their safety. Better safe than sorry...

You can actually file a complaint for them doing that.

paradox5150 0

That's not even legal. However, as long as u waive ur rights by saying, "yes, officer, u can search me", it is.. That's why people need to KNOW THEIR RIGHTS!!! And stop fearing cops!!! but since u have social anxiety, i can see why it's easy for u to comply with what they want...

tildoorf84 7

I'm sorry you were treated badly by this store. I too have severe social anxiety, and behave pretty much in the same fashion whenever I leave the house. If it were me, that store would lose absolutely ALL of my business, forever.